Haha.... today at morning i go sleep at 00:30 a.m.^^
And then i wake up at 08:00 a.m.
haha then i go brush n then go bath loh....
haha then after i prepare finish...
then we all go out for breakfast loh ^^
B4 we go out.. my father told us to put on seat belt b4 go out haha
becoz start from 2day every car passenger must put on seat belt!!
then we start go out to have breakfast loh...
Grr.... i am very hungry liao^^
20 minute later... we arrive there eat breakfast loh haha
i also donno wat the place call liao haha so didnt write loh... lol
when i go down my car.......
Haha then we keep going to there eat thing loh haha
my father say
"ni a.... deng xia ni bu yao luan luan pao, zai wisma jiu hao liao"
then i say "okloh..." wooho 2day i dont need to go kk plaza liiao^^
After eat... we go wisma take care shop my father's shop......
haha then my father n mother go to airport "jie ji"
haha 2day my father d "biao mei" n her friend come.....
they are come from Singapore d....
then i take care shop like usual loh haha
like about 1 p.m. i start hungry liao haha
but i didnt bring my wallet n didnt claim money from parent
then no money eat loh... haix
hahah then i go take money from my grandma loh....
she give me RM 10 haha but after take liao i didnt go eat wakakaka
then about 2 p.m. my father came back with them....
haha i saw them haha but got 1 thing i was making me excited
that is one of them were indian!!!! lol
haha nvm lah wakakakaka
my father ask me eat liao o not, then i reply him "no...."
then he give me rm 10 loh haha i got rm 20 now....
after that my father bring them to warisan loh......
haha at that time i go buy my CNY d clothing haha
but i only buy pant only... haha short jeans pant lai d
haha after that i saw Shien po at wisma haha
lol after that i sms with her ask her where is she now
manatau she reply me at karamunsing...
lol wat the... so fast o she go there...
haha nmv lah
then after that my father call us to go back home loh haha
then later i am here loh wakakaka
haha nice 1st day ^^ oklah nothing to write liao :p
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Yo 1st day of 2009!!!!
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/31/2008 1 comments
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
2008 d last day!!!!!!!!!!!
OoOoOo..... 2day is the last day of 2008!!!!!
And 2009 is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2day got a bit happy n bored n alone n bla bla bla haha
2day i go out take care shop like usual loh haha but today i got go cut hair....
haha 2day when i 1st time i go to that saloon... the boss wasnt there so i go loh
i leave becoz i wan find him cut my hair.....
then after that i go back my shop loh haha
ok.... after 15 minute... i go toilet take a pee..... manatau i saw him at toilet
so i tell him tat later i will go find him cut hair later loh.... he say ok d...
then about 1 o'clock i go find him loh haha
manatau he say.....
"now i am busy, later when i am ok liao i will go ur shop find u d....."
kloh haha then i wait loh wait liao 45 minute....
oh yeh!!!!!!!! He come liao!!!!!!!!!!
lol haha then he tell me tat he call other person help me cut hair!!!!!!!!!
lol wat the.... haha nvm... he call a leng lui help me cut haha
then i cut cut cut...... after 15 minute haha finish!!!! lolz....
i think it is still ok lah... but after cut.....
It still got a bit like "hai mei you jian de shi hou de" style haha "lao mao den"
so i go pay money loh.... i pay liao RM 25....
haha still oklah but next time i want cut price!!!! lol
my "cian bao" less liao RM 25 ~,~
then after tat i go back my shop loh....
when i go back my mother told me to go eat with my brother 1st.....
haha she say she will come later....
then we go the food court eat loh...
after order... then we waiting our food come loh
i fast fast call my mother come becoz our food already come liao
but she still havent come!!!!!!!
manatau i call her come she answer me tat she forgot liao.... lol!!!!!!!!!
haha then after we eat finish.... we go back wisma loh haha
then after about 40 minnute later...... my father bring us home loh...
haha then now i am here loh... lol!!!!!
but now i had nothing to write liao haha
at the end... i wish every person good luck in 2009
wakakakakakaka and lastly BB 2008!!!!!!!!!
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/30/2008 0 comments
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Working day again~~~
Today morning when i wake up.... i felt that i am not so well... like sick liao....
haha got a bit hou long bu shu fu n shang feng.... haix...
but after eating liao then i became good liao.... i mean my hou long ^^
but still got a bit shang feng~,~
haha then start working loh.....
at about 11a.m. i walk to kk plaza take care shop from wisma loh....
haha then i am boring at there loh haha coz there r really not much ppl mah
then about 12p.m. my father call me walk back to wisma... zz.... so lol o... haha
he call me back becoz wisma really not enough ppl take care..... haha
then later we go back home at 5 p.m. loh wakakaka so tired lah.....
now my leg stil shuan although i rest liao half an hour....
lol... haha i think i gonna stop liao i am so tired already^^ oklah bb
oh... oh ya anyone wan c the person sell me the phone????
haha liang moi lai d loh wakakakaka
if anyone wan c juz add comment to me^^ i will post next time^^
but need to c the respond first :p
wakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka........ lol
c u all next time :p
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/27/2008 0 comments
Thursday, 25 December 2008
haha today is ash d birthday
haha these is the food that we eat today^^ lol 2day d ppl so "shi wen" eat a bit only!!! i think they gonna eat back next time luh... wakakaka
nice cake huh??!! ^^
haha everybody was given 1 chrismast hat haha every was wearing it^^ n u know wat chee "la zhi liao" her hair
i donno wat wrongs with shien o..... when she come right... she was wearing like the first pic n later donno y she change cloth liao haha
oklah i write till here lah haha nothing to write liao zzz n i feel sleepy now XD i got to go to sleep now loh haha c u all next time^^
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/25/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
haha now i got thing to update liao^^
1.Full name: Teoh Fur Sheng
2. Birthday: 28/11/1991
3. School: Secondary Tshung Tsin Sabah School
4. Residensy: Penampang
5. Family: grandma, parents, me, bro.. and sister
6. Physical appearances: zzz..
7. Personality: donno
8. Good Qualities: erm.... like to smile ^^ lol
9. Bad Qualities: lazy, my spec... and other........
10. Hobbies: MUSIC.. online.. basketball... swimming,.......
11. Religion: Buddhist
12. Height: 160-166cm
13. Weight: er... 49kg^^ light leh :p
14. Blood type: dono
15. Shoes size: haha school shoes 7, my Nike basketball shoes 11, n donno liao
16. Favorite Genre of music: many till donno
17. Favorite Singer: every nice song d singer
18. Favorite Season: all of them
19. Favorite Food: sushi, pizza, kfc, ice cream bla bla bla~~
20. Place i want to go: Japan.. Taiwan.... UK...... Italy..... and more...
21. My ideal lover: er...... dono (lying)
22. My worries as of now: christmas and the day after christmas..><
23. First love: really forgot liao
24. Alcohol-Tolerance: maybe..... nothing lah
25. Drinking habits: a bit onli a time
26. Most important friends: all of them =P
27. Prized Possession: donno
28. When I look the best: when my mouth smile with nice shape.... lol!!!!!!
29. When I look sexiest: haha wearing jeans without cloth
30. What's in your pocket: nothing now
31. First time drinking: err... about..... forget liao haha
32. Favorite colours: Gold and White and black
33. Thing you want from your significant other: care, true love bla bla
34. Age you want to get married: dono a...
35.What you do when you're home alone: tv.. online...music.. zzzz
36. Habits: er...... donno
37. Highest placement in school: haha "dai zhong whu"
38. Difference between men and women: women want men n men want women...
39. If you were born again, man or woman: of coz MAN~~
40. What you think you were in your previous life: tai lin ngong
41. If the person you loved cheated on you: c how big deal is it
42. Favorite show: ...
43. What you want to do when it rains: go out play with rain if it wont get sick:p
44. If you were on a deserted island, what you take: i take everything
45. How many kids: wa~~ 1-3 gua
46. Who do you want to see the most: nth...
47. Favorite snacks: ...
48. Allowance: when no money just take de..
49. Favorite restaurants: wagamama.. too many liao....
50. To be dumped or do you dump: zzz
51. Why did you write the answer to the question above: if nt? let it empty? = =
52. What I want right now: stop those stupid questions...
53. When do you think you’ve grown up: when i was bored
54. Country you want to go to: nt ask liao meh..zzz...
55. What you think about other people: nice and bad
56. What would you do if you confessed to a girl: means?????
57. Place you want to go with your other: beach... shopping...... restaurant....
58. Ideal vacation spot:dono a...
59. Favorite Tv show: .. nt ask liao meh...
60. I feel happy: everytime
61. Most recent movie watched: bolt?
62. Movie watched with the most feeling: happy n adventure
63. Could you marry someone else for the person you loved: i think no
64. What you want to do for the person you love: see first la...
65. I want to die when: i wan to = =
66. You think you’re a player: no
67. If you found 100k in the road: dont think about it, it wont happen in real life
68. When you were most hurt: when i been leave alone in a corner
69. I hate guys that are: always grab other d beloved
70. I hate girls that are: 38 po (i mean very very very 38 tat one)
71. If you were to become invisible: wa~~ do all thing that i wan to do :p
72. When someone makes you mad: ofcoz mad lah lol
73. Favorite saying: do loi la... hehe
74. If someone you met for the first time were to ask for you number: er.... i wont give tat ppl
75. Nicknames: mao mao
76. First thing you do in the morning: open my eye
77. The most important thing in the world: evything...
78. When you were happiest: then u see me lik this =D
79. When you were saddest: then u see me lik this =(
80. Does anyone hurt you before: of coz....... donno?! haha got ba...
81. How: forgot liao
82. Then: how i know????
83. So: nth...
84. Define family:...
85. What are you planning for future: rich life
86. Your afraid of: er..... those thing with poison
87. If your about to die now: c a person
88. Would you consider Plastic surgery: NO WAY
89. Who you wanna be: ME!!!!!
90. Things you wanna do now: stop answering... n go sleep
91. Most embarrassing moments: talk to stranger or nt close with me d ppl
92. You can: talk
93. You can't: don talk..= =
94. You really hate it when: something become complicated...
95. You'll judge a person by: their personality?
96. People mostly judge you: who care
97. 3 words to describe yourself: sot, kind???, normal
98. 3 words of how people describe you: donno
99. Are you on diet: no
100. Last thing i want to say: i am tired now
People i tag:
-my brother
-haha anyone wan juz ask me lah
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/24/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Tagged by Nicole-lp!!!!!!
1. do you think you're hot?
erm.... not really^^ haha... outside of me not so hot but my heart is (maybe)
2. upload a favourite picture of yourself
>>>> i will upload it next time haha my phone no bat liao haha n that pic in my phone :p
3. do you like the picture?
Yes!!!! i like it!!!! lol...
4. when was the last time u ate pizza?
last month.. when we celebrate my beearlied birthday with niko n looney n michael^^
5. what was the last song u listened to?
haha forgot liao.....
6. what are you doing right now besides this?
7. what name do you prefer besides your name?
haha!!!!! ofcoz is "ET" (Eason Teoh) lah lol... haha pretty short n clear huh??!!
8. 5 people i tagged
1. Shien-po
2. Nicole-lp
3. my brother!!!
4. Estelle
5. Major
9. who is number 1?
My four year d crazy classmate... opps!!!!
10. who is number 3 having a relationship with?
wakakakaka!!!! ofcoz is...... dont say lah later he kill me ^^ the name start with "N"
11. say something about number 5.
err..... he is a person with family problem d....
12. how about number 4?
haha nicole d friends and mines!!!
13. who is buddy number 2?
wakakakakaka my "gf "!!!!!!!! jkjk^^
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/23/2008 0 comments
Monday, 15 December 2008
wat a lol day?!
hey everybody!!!! I had been long time didnt updated my blog liao ^^
haha 2day i juz wanna write something happens about today^^
lets start now.....
ok!! the day b4 today.... nicole, estell and choy may was asking me can take a ride to yayasan...
to yayasan for wat?!? haha we go to yayasan for the concert of MPYO at 2p.m.
This morning, they go wisma find me at 9a.m.!!!!!! Lol y so early o??!!
haha then we go hang gai loh.... zzzz...... a bit bored~,~
haha then next then nicole say she wan go coffee bean wah.... zzzz....
hao chai i didnt buy thing to eat or drink^^ if not i puo chan loh!!!!!
haha then about 1:15p.m. then we start go yayasan loh^^
then the concert start at 2p.m. @,@ wat the!!!! it end at 3:30p.m.!!!!!!!
wahn so fast!!!!!! lol haha then i call my father come fetch us loh....
manatau those girlsay wan go 1borneo wah...... then go loh but got 1 thing need to reconized
tat is my father will come back at 8 p.m. to fetch us!!!!!!!! lol
after they heard this.... they was shock!!!!!
lol they tell e that they dont have money wah!!!! wat the!!!!
hao chai my father got give me rm 100 for backup!!! ^^
then we go walking around loh....
but they was still thinking how to tell their father about late go home....zzzzz......
lol!!!!! ok.... that problem had been solve liao.... then we go GSVC loh^^
we go watch "twilight" loh... we spent liao rm 33 lol i paid all of it!!!!
then we go in at 4p.m. and go out at 6:15p.m.
haha i still remember the arrangement of our sits....
the arrangement is ~ choy may, estell, nicole, me then is my brother^^
after that we go out loh.... i am the fastest go out 1 coz i am too need to take a pee liao ^^
lolthen when i came back find them... manatau they were missing liao....
my brother came back find me n tell me that they are back liao
so i send a message to nicole to say bb loh.... yer i didnt say by mouth o....
haha then i go eat with my brother loh... we go arouund and around.....
finnally we go to sushi king!!!!!! OMG!!!! We eat liao about rm 46~,~
haix.... then we go back at about 10!!!!!!!! hao chai they didnt follow my car^^
if not i became the zui ren liao haha
oklah i got to stop here liao.... haha hope i can updated again faster^^
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/15/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
2009 S2 Ai
1. August Ng
2. Camelia Chua Ee Jiun
3. Chang Fui Ling, Sharon
4. Chang Kai Ming
5. Chang Ying Man (*) (The name list had that *)
6. Chen Kian Vui
7. Chia Chau Lu
8. Chiew Wei Ching
9. Chin Mui Li, Emaily Mary (*) (The name list had that *)
10. Chin Wei Terd
11. Chhin Wui Tin, Oswin
12. Chin Yee Fui
13. Chin Zhao Yii, Joanne
14. Chong Chern Khang, eric
15. Chong Fui Ling, Elaine
16. Chong Tze Lun
17. Chow Wuan yung, Stefanie (*) (The name list had that *)
18. Diamond Wong
19. Foo Ngee Chung, Benjamin (*) (The name list had that *)
20. Fung Tsin en, Alfred
21. Gerald Wong (*) (The name list had that *)
22. Hajar Zainur Faraf’ Ain (*) (The name list had that *)
23. Han Ker Shien
24. Heng Hak Aik
25. Ho Kah Mun, Carmen
26. Ho Sheau Torng
27. Kok Ivy
28. Kong Chieng Sze
29. Kong Haw, Allan
30. Kuck Yee Yen
31. Lam Mei Jin (*) (The name list had that *)
32. Lee Ai Vern, Fay Ulrica (*) (The name list had that *)
33. Lee Nam Chuan, Felix
34. Lee Sin Shien
35. Lee Yek Ling
36. Leong Shuk Wen
37. Li Wei
38. Liew Yeong Yee
39. Lim Zhan Bin
40. Lin Jia Yuann
41. Lo Hui Zi, Elaine
42. Neo Vui Ming, Winson
43. Pang Yong En
44. Shanna Cheah (*) (The name list had that *)
45. Siaw Yung Sheng
46. Sii Leong Pong, Daniel
47. Soh Chai Yiing
48. Soh Jau Shian
49. Suzain
50. Sze Tu Kit, Jack
51. Tee Ming Siew
52. Ting Ming Yee, Zoe (*) (The name list had that *)
53. Voo Chen Ching
54. Wong Che Fui, Alfred
55. Wong Yeong Shyuan
56. Yong Chen Chen, Samantha
57. Yong King Er
58. Yong Sin Yee, Michelle
Sorry to those in Xin ban next year, no namelist here for you.
2009 S2 Yi
1. Chan Kuan Yee
2. Chang chung Yng
3. Chaw Khai Shen
4. Chen Vueh Zhiang
5. Chia Mei Fung, Jamie
6. Chin Suk Chee, Fany
7. Chin Yan Pin
8. Chong Jia Huey
9. Chong Xian Ying, Felicia
10. Chua Chun Han, Bryan
11. Chung Ai Yieng, Evelyn
12. Fung Yik, Clinton
13. Hiew Vun Khong
14. Hiew Vun Nee, Bonnie
15. Ho Su San, Susan
16. JaxierKoa Tat
17. Khau Jing Ting
18. Koh Ka Bing, Michelle
19. Kou Tze Hong, Jonathan
20. Kung Thien Phin, Kingston
21. Lai Jiunn Jinn
22. Lau Xin Ying, Joanne
23. Lean Wei Ting
24. Liaw Tze Yee
25. Lim JunShan, Brendan
26. Liong Zia Zia, Carmen
27. Lo Jing Liang
28. Lo Li Tyng
29. Loi Chi Wei
30. Lu Baau Ling
31. Ng Xiao Qin
32. Ngu Pei Siong
33. Olvan Stefan Jivine
34. Ooi Pei Jie, Dillen
35. Pang Sheau Wei
36. Petrus Hii
37. Rowena H. Sikopit
38. Sii Pei Lui, Karen
39. Sim Zhi Tian, Beverly
40. So Chun Wah
41. Tan Shuk Fern
42. Tan Wah Shen, Jeremiah
43. Tan Yi Lu
44. Teoh Fur Sheng
45. Thien Shuk Voon
46. Ting Sing Ting
47. Ting Von Nna, Rynna
48. Ting Yu Wee, Jonath
49. Voo Pei Tong
50. Vun Cui Jun, Vivien
51. Vun Shi Jie, Michelle
52. Wong How Yee, Kevin Chester
53. Wong Kiiun Sheng, Nelson
54. Wong Siaw Hung, Jimmy
55. Yeap Jin Li56. Yee Wan Wei
57. Yong Chai Ying, Jescy
58. Wong Jun Roo, Lydia
2009 S2 He
1. Chai Chun Loong, Clement
2. Chai Hui Lu, Michelle
3. Chak Ai Tung
4. Chan Jun Git
5. Chan Shuk Mun
6. Chee Ka Ling
7. Chia Sung Yih
8. CHia Zin Che, Dexter
9. Chien Zhi Hua
10. Chin Su Shien
11. Chong Man Ying, Evelyn
12. Choo Bo Qin
13. Choo Lia, Medalyne
14. Chow Set Fong
15. Chung Yee Shyong
16. Chung Yih Weih, Roderick
17. Ee Chun Lin, Eric
18. Eng Shu Han
19. Foo Kai Syn, Jacyntha
20. Goh Mei Pin
21. Hiew Yun Neng
22. Hoo Ka Seng
23. Huang Shing Yee
24. Jan Sarah
25. Koh Zi Qi, Demi
26. Lau Zheng Yi
27. Lee Kuan San, Albert
28. Lee Onn Yan
29. *Leong Kai Kzan, Wendy
30. Leong Siaw Ping
31. Liang Guan Li
32. *Liew Zhi Jin, Jewiria
33. *Lim Gin Huw
34. Lim Kai Xin
35. Lim Man Yee, Tatjana
36. Lo Chun Sian, Tommy
37. Loi Tien Kee
38. Ng Kah Hau, Clement
39. Ng Man Yi
40. Pang Yeng Pui, Julia Camilia
41. See Ling
42. Shirley Chang
43. Sim Poh Huan, Amelia
44. Soo Jia Yie, Cindy
45. Su Ngiek Sieng, Calvin
46. Tan Pei Mei
47. Tang Siew Ing, Ivy
48. Tham Yen Tzan, Kylie
49. Tsen, Magdalen
50. Voo Khai Ling, Madelyn
51. Wong Kwong Yang @ Andrew
52. Wong Wee Ling, Adeline
53. Yap Kean Beng
54. Ye Wan Chui, Kimberly
55. Yii Tze Sin
56. Yong Tze Shean, Maggie
57. Yong Vui Hen, Arthur
58. Yong Yit Shin
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/10/2008 0 comments
Monday, 8 December 2008
Lets talk about japanese food^^
Hah!!!! 2day so boring.... I juz think this title to write^^
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/08/2008 0 comments
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Yesterday I am very tired!!!!!!!!!!
Haha.. yesterday we were going out to take care fahter's shop^^
we start take care about our shop from 9:30 till 6:15....
that day was very busy... busy till u will pengsan!!!
coz too many ppl liao.... many till notime go out to eat!!!!!!!!!!
haix..... nvm it is over liao^^ haha after that we go home loh......
lol... my mother come back home need to cook for us lagi!! haix....
haha then i go bath loh^^ and go eat......
and then i go on9 loh..... haha yesterday i chat with nicole.......
lol!!!!!!!!!! what the!!!!!!!!! we start chatting since 9 till 11p.m.!!!!!!!
lol it had broke my record liao.....
coz if my father at home then i cannot on9 till tat late....
haha wat we chat yesterday??????? Oh no no no no!!!!!!!!! cannot tell u all ^^ coz i had already promises her i will not tell other ppl XD sorry lah ^^ really cannot tell u all leh..... or i will be killed XD
Ok.... lets talk about today.....
today was juz like yesterday.... go out take care the shop ~,~
haha and then go home loh XD
haha and then my uncle come my house......
he bring some eat d thing 4 us......
my auntie got bring us some perfume....
u know wat..... my perfume was branded FERRARI..
like this...... I like it so much!!!!!!!! but it is small size d^^
wakakakaka i think i will use it next time when needed XD
And today.....Nicole didnt reply me at msn!!!!!!! What the....
haha.......... erm........... erm......... omg!!!!!!!!
I had nothing to write liao..... lol.... oklah bb XD
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/07/2008 5 comments
Friday, 5 December 2008
The phone that i wan buy.....
This Holiday........ I got some money..... So I decided to buy a phone for myself......
At the first..... I was decided to buy W350i.....

it can be said as disappear at dim light place^^

I love them very much!!!!!
haha if no stock then i gonna take black loh.......~,~
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/05/2008 9 comments
Yesterday is a good day!!!!!!!!
Wakakakaka..... Yesterday, I and Kai Lun go Maggie d father's college's graduation ceremony!!!Haha...... we go there at about 12:30 p.m. and arrive there at 1:15p.m.!!!!!!! Wah so late!!!!
haha that day we are so bored at the graduation ceremony
becoz Maggie say that the ceremony will be start at 12p.m.!!!!!!!!!
Lol !! "hao chai" we didnt arrived at 12^^lol the ceremony start at 2:15!!!!!!! wat the!!!
haix.... nevermind~,~haha then the ceremony start!!!!!!!
at the begining there are many speech was given @.@
i wanna die liao heared all the speech!!!!!!!!!
haha and after that they begin "ban jiang dian li"
haha there are many liang zai and liang moi too!!!! BUT!!!!!! there are also got many lao a pak^^
lol so soi o me ~,~ haha and at about 3:45... i wan go toilet liao!!!!!!!
coz i had drank all my water juz now!!!! then Kai Lun and me go to toilet.....
left maggie at there alone!!!!!!!!!! wat the!!! Are we gentlement?????
lolx....haha after go toilet... we go eat some "dian xing"... and then we go in......
Manatahu....the ceremony FINISH!!!!!!!!!!! lolx!!!!!
so we go back to KK loh...... we go to Warisan Square to my shop for waiting.....
haha that Kai lunn go Money changer exchange money wah.... lol....
we see the exchenge rate is 2.41.... so Kai Lun use SGP30 change loh...
manatau they give us the rates is 2.1?! why like that d?????
o...... "Yuan Lai" exchange d money below 50 is 2.1.... zzzzzz......
haha then we go eat something loh..... coz i am too hungry liao^^
after that we go back my shop again.....we take many pic there coz too bored liao^^
Lets see........
wow!!!! the saxophone player was so good
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/05/2008 4 comments
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Wah!!!!!!!!!! 2day morning i go 2school 2 take make up exam d result......
haha.... at the first i saw michael and niko before i take result....
they say they pass liao!!!!!!!! Woooohhhhooooo!!!!!!!!!
i had gained my "xing xin" after heard they pass!!!!!!!!!!
haha and then i go take my result loh!!!!!!!!!!
u know what????? I GET 84.80%!!!!!!!
WOW!!! What a high marks that i didnt get b4!!!!!!!!
yeppi finally i pass liao!!!!! finally i can put down the rock in my heart liao^^
BUT after that i know that Chee Ka Ling fail liao!!!!
OMG!!!!!!! Wish her more gambateh in next year lah ~,~
i feel so pity to her leh!!!!!! Anyway...... dont feel downpress ya!!!
Good Luck to everyone^^
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/03/2008 3 comments
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
haix...... 2day i didnt have thing to write liao haix.....
juz walking around....... reading the book......... watching tv...........
playing comp......... nothing to do liao.......
wat a bored day is it????????
nothing to say liao ^^
stop here today.......
发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/02/2008 5 comments
Monday, 1 December 2008

发表者 Eason 位置在: 12/01/2008 2 comments